When your difficult dog becomes your easy dog*

*Alternate headline: When your geriatric dog has fewer health problems than your younger dog.** **Then again, Leo is 9, so technically he is a senior dog too. Last week, I marveled to myself that because of Mia’s mobility limitations, my “difficult dog” Leo has become the easier dog to take out into the world. ThisContinue reading “When your difficult dog becomes your easy dog*”

Year in Review Part 2: Leo

Leo recovered from his November 2017 TPLO surgery like a champ. At his eight-week X-rays, we learned that his fibula had broken during his recovery, but had already been healing for a few weeks, so there was nothing to be done, except feel completely devastated about my failure as a nurse. But he didn’t care.Continue reading “Year in Review Part 2: Leo”

Not as naughty as he looks

Since Leo is 100 pounds and leash reactive, I often assume he will be perceived as scary. He proved otherwise to me during this past month. At the end of October, he started limping. I had to leave him at the vet for a couple of hours while they X-rayed him. I worried that he’dContinue reading “Not as naughty as he looks”

Senior Dog Doesn’t Want to Come Inside

This month’s Positive Pet Training Blog Hop has the theme What To Do When Your Dog Doesn’t Listen To You. For me, that’s like every day. They do what they want. I’m not going to lie. So I don’t have any legit training tips to offer. I mean, mostly, they’ve been good doggies lately. Leo, now thatContinue reading “Senior Dog Doesn’t Want to Come Inside”

Top 5 Positive Pet Training Tools for Reactive Dogs

This month’s theme for the Positive Pet Training Blog Hop is training tools. I thought I’d give you the rundown of five things that have made a huge difference in my life with my dogs. 5. Food puzzles In the wild, animals spend most of their time looking for and eating their food. When we feedContinue reading “Top 5 Positive Pet Training Tools for Reactive Dogs”

Running out of Cheese

In my last post, I wrote about a de-facto off-leash area. If everyone else’s dogs are off leash, why can’t ours be? For me, it’s an issue of manners. People who don’t have reactive dogs (or people who don’t KNOW their dogs are reactive, especially those whose dogs are small) think it’s perfectly fine forContinue reading “Running out of Cheese”