Writing outside with wifi and dogs



I am so close to finishing my novel, Fight Like a Lady. And by finishing, I mean writing an ending so I can go back and revise the hell out of the beginning and middle. The climactic scene involves a gun, so you can imagine how much I felt like working on it when I heard the news Sunday morning about the largest mass shooting in recent American history.

love is love
Found this on FB. Would love to give credit if I knew who made it.
For the record, I am an LGBTQ ally. And I support, with all my heart and soul, a ban on assault rifles. Truly, I hate all guns and my original plan was for my fictional world to have no firearms at all. Or cigarettes. But I changed my mind.

I would love to tell you I was banging out my ending in these awesome pictures Rob took of me in the backyard on Sunday. The ugly truth is that I’m doing research, looking at grisly photos of gunshot wounds, feeling rather disgusted by the combination of search terms I’m typing into Google.

At least I got to do it someplace beautiful with creatures I love by my side.


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Published by Kari Neumeyer

Writer, editor, dog mom, ovarian cancer survivor

13 thoughts on “Writing outside with wifi and dogs

  1. You look very well guarded there! No need for guns when you have a shepherd or two. (It would definitely be a better world w/o assault rifles in the hands of the public!)

  2. Thanks for your support! The massacre in Orlando has me thinking I need to get involved with the community that I’m a part of, but don’t feel very connected to.

  3. You’re inspiring me – I’ve been putting off writing for too long, I’ve got one started but I need to finish. Orlando’s tragedy was yet another example of the hate people have for no reason. Here in Charleston SC we’re bracing ourselves for the anniversary of the senseless tragedy at our church – when the young man opened fire at Bible Study brutally killing innocent people leaving a church body, a community, a world stunned. Something has to change about our gun laws. Have a good week, and keep on writing.

    1. I don’t blog much about non-dog stuff anymore, but the church shooting was another one where I couldn’t help myself. The hate these men feel, that it led to the loss of good people’s lives, it breaks my heart.

  4. It’s been a heartbreaking and sobering few days for our nation and I can imagine doing the gun research was the last thing you felt like doing. Being outside with the dogs nearby probably helped a lot. They always have a way of making us feel better.

    I’m looking forward to reading Fight Like a Lady when it’s finished soon!

  5. I didn’t know you were working on a novel. That’s cool. But it’s hard enough to get through a novel without the added difficulty of researching something you don’t feel up to.

    It’s so frustrating to me that we can’t get a permanent ban on assault rifles in this country. The NRA is just way too powerful. You would have thought after Sandyhook… It’s really, really maddening and just sad. I’ve been so depressed the last few days. I feel really bad for the LGBT community. I totally agree that love is love! How people greet that with hate is beyond me.

  6. .I look forward to reading your upcoming novel – you got me hooked, what’s the premise? And I love working outside on the deck with the dogs in the nice weather. I prefer it over everything else. My heart breaks for everyone in Orlando- the tragedy there is unthinkable. I like the illustration that you found – beautiful.

  7. Hi all, thanks fur stopping by our blog the other day 😀 we thought we’d pop by – *waves paw* – and say ‘greetings!’

    Congrats on your novel, Amber does a book review on Wednesdays, so if mew effur need a book promo let us know 🙂


    Basil & Co xox

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