Dogging up the new car

When I bought a new Honda six months ago, I didn’t trade in the old one, because it was so dogged up inside that 1) the trade-in value was negligible, and 2) I didn’t want to dog up the new Honda HRV. So we continued to shuttle the dogs around in the old Honda Fit.

On Sunday, Rob had some errands and didn’t want to take the new car. I wanted to take the dogs to the beach. So I put the seats down, laid towels over the parts that weren’t plastic, tethered the dogs so they couldn’t climb in front with me, and off we went.


I regret nothing.

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Published by Kari Neumeyer

Writer, editor, dog mom, ovarian cancer survivor

17 thoughts on “Dogging up the new car

  1. You need the 4KNines SUV cargo liner. It is for the cargo section, but can also lie flat in an arrangement like you have. It beats towels hands down and helps keep your car really nice and clean, even with dogs!

    1. We have one! It’s in the other car and filthy! But when the time comes for them to ride regularly in the new car, I’ll clean it up and move it over. Or buy another one!

  2. My car is so doggy but I love it that way. It makes me happy to open the door and see doggy toys all over the seats. P.S. Great pics. And it looks sunny and warm down there! Lucky you. It’s rainy and cloudy and dreary up here. Cheers and have a great week.

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