How to exercise your dog during the short, dark days

As if anticipating the short, dark days ahead, Leo has been antsy since we set the clocks back Sunday, even though we’ve been keeping up with our regular exercise schedule! On both Sunday and Monday, after he raced around at the park, when I was ready to settle down with my book, he started pulling things off counter tops and whining in my face.

Rob and I will clean up the garage this weekend, which should get us back in the habit of nose-working out there when Leo feels like he needs more stimulation. In the meantime, I entertained him by tossing a tennis ball down the hall.

Both nights, though, what wore him out best was some good old-fashioned bitey face with Mia. As you’ll see in the video, she puts up with it for a bit before getting bored and going to bed. Makes me wonder, not for the first time, if we should get a THIRD dog who wants to play with Leo more.

Positive TrainingThis post is part of the Positive Pet Training Blog Hop, hosted by Cascadian Nomads,Tenacious Little Terrier and Rubicon Days. This month’s theme is Training and Exercise and the next hop begins on December 7. The hop happens on the first Monday of every month, and is open for a full week – please join us in spreading the word about the rewards of positive training!

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Published by Kari Neumeyer

Writer, editor, dog mom, ovarian cancer survivor

8 thoughts on “How to exercise your dog during the short, dark days

  1. I’m pretty sure my dogs think “nose work” involves crotchbsniffing. I so glad to hear that others are more disciplined and on-the-ball. My dogs perform a different type of work, to be sure.

  2. That’s such a cute video or Leo and Mia. It makes me want to get a second dog so Haley can have someone to play bitey face with.

  3. Super cute video. Even though the days are shorter – now that we live in SC my days are also warmer than VA so we’re blessed to be outside during the day and enjoy the spring/summer like weather all year round.

  4. Luckily Maggie & Duke have the same level of play! The Mr. was really surprised when they first started playing shark face, it looks & sounds scary. Running up and down the basement stairs & helping with laundry is fun too 🙂

  5. Oh, man. My pug and Boston terrier absolutely LOVE a good game of bitey face. And you’re right: It’s a high-intensity workout! They are so tired after a good session that they just sit there and pant. Great cold-weather work!

    Jean from Welcome to the Menagerie

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