S is for Squeaky Balls

I love it when, out of nowhere, Mia picks up a squeaky stuffie and squeaks the living hell out of it. A few years ago, we brought home some squeaky tennis balls from a Golden retriever’s birthday party. I videod the kids with their new toys and posted it, even though I have a hard time sitting through internet videos longer than three minutes. I wrote:

This violates my own rules about not posting videos longer than 3 minutes, but I can’t help myself. Mia and Leo squeak their little hearts out. Observe at 0:45 when Mia passes Leo the yellow and blue ball. Swoon at 1:40 as they give each other kisses. Listen to their conversation at 2:48. Watch them trade balls at 3:30. Marvel at the cuteness.

I stand by it.

S is for Squeaky Balls


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Published by Kari Neumeyer

Writer, editor, dog mom, ovarian cancer survivor

9 thoughts on “S is for Squeaky Balls

  1. Okay, this is the first doggie vid I’ve ever watched and, you’re right! These two are adorable. They seem so gentle with each other, so kind, sharing, so full of love.

  2. Some videos (such as this one) must be taped in its entirety. It was so cute, thanks for giving us the heads up on what to tune in for – it actually gave some added suspense – BOL Really sweet dogs.

  3. Oh my gosh! What a great video, I just love their chattering! my lot love squeaky balls too! I’m pleased I didn’t watch this with them around!
    Hugs, Carrie (Myfie, Ellie and Millie) x

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